Comments on: Scary shit right here… Because love is full of different colors Sun, 12 Jun 2016 13:51:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: rjjonesauthor Sun, 12 Oct 2014 04:20:45 +0000 Thanks for your comment kyoske. I’ve decided to self publish as I like the idea of holding all the rights and keeping control of what happens with my work. I also like the idea of finding the right editor for me, and not just some random editor that’s assigned. I’m in the process of finding the right one for my style and also my novel. Keep an eye out for the release🙂


By: kyoske Sat, 11 Oct 2014 16:30:36 +0000 Even after getting an agent, I’ve been and continue to be rejected by publishers. Publishers reject for a wide variety of reasons. So you can’t assume that a rejection is always because the work isn’t quality work. They might have similar books or it might be about something they don’t care about or any other wide variety of things.

The fact you received a quality rejection (where they explained the issues) is a great sign. If it was truly terrible, they would not have bothered. You can always see if they will look at a revised version that fixed the issues they raised.

The point is, you can’t let one or even multiple rejections get you down. You just have to do your best to learn from them. The fact you’ve got a full 2nd story nearly ready is great! If you get a publishing deal, having other manuscripts (like your first one) ready is very helpful.

I don’t think a few rejections means you need to self publish. That is, unless you want to do that. If you do, make sure you hire an editor and get a good cover artist. However, as someone who is shopping one manuscript and writing another, I can tell you that I’ve not let the numerous rejections stop me from pursuing being published. I hope you have good news from publishers soon!

