It’s gonna be a real thing… Out Of The Blue is coming!

I’ve finally made up my mind what I’m doing with “Out Of The Blue.”  Oh My God, she’s made a decision!

It may have taken me longer than most but I was tossing up between submitting to a publisher and doing it myself.

In the end I wanted control of what I was putting out there. If I subbed to a publisher I would be given one of their editors, but who’s to say that editor would be right for me and my story? I don’t know much about editing, so how would I know if I’ve been given the right one?

Answer is, I wouldn’t. So I’ve hunted and researched and asked for sample edits.  I’ve done the same with cover artists. But that’s a different post.

Out Of The Blue is happening, I’m just not sure how long the process will take before it becomes a real, live, living book. I’m hoping for Jan or Feb 2015.

I’ll keep you posted on what’s happening.  In the meantime, cross your fingers and wish me luck.