The below post has already been posted on Facebook but I wanted to add a few other comments.

The view from our room. Nice, huh?
I guess I said everything I wanted in the FB post below, except I didn’t thank the most important person, my roomie and best bud Nic. If it wasn’t for her I never would have been able to go. Not because of the travel or cost or any of those things, but because I would’ve been far too scared to step outside the hotel room to go and meet people. I’m not good socially and GRL was WAY out of my comfort zone.
I like my comfort zone. It’s comfy.
My husband is always trying to get me to socialise more but really, I socialise heaps online. It’s easy here. I can usually censor the crap that comes out of my mouth and the delete key is only a few inches away. Unfortunately you can’t hit delete when you’re face to face.
But for the most part, GRL was a warm and welcoming place to land. I had a ball, made new friends and it was an experience I’m not likely to forget. The cost was HUGE and if that wasn’t such a factor I’d be able to go next year but at the moment, I just don’t know what next year will bring. (If anyone has a spare $5k, I know where you can send it. #justsaying)
That’s it for me. If you see Nic Starr hanging around Facebook make sure you stop and say hi. She’s the sweetest person I know and will go out of her way to help you. She’s the best.

Gnarly looking trees outside our room
Below is the post on Facebook.
Okay. I’ve had some sleep so here’s my post GRL 2015 wrap up.
I’m going to start with the negative. Let’s face it, no matter how much we want our lives to be all sunshine and puppies, it’s just not going to happen. GRL came close but there were a couple of instances that stuck in my head. And the negative is only small but it needs a mention:
Some authors need to remember that other authors are readers first. If you’re going to be an asshole you can bet your bottom dollar I’m not going to pick up any work of yours. If that’s how you treat everyone you meet, I’m surprised you have any friends at all.
That’s it for the negative. Painless wasn’t it?
Okay, this will be in a haphazard chronological order because most days I was too damn tired to remember who I met first or even what day it was.
When Nic Starr and I showed up on Monday we were greeted by Amy DiMartino, Ethan Day, Jp Bowie, Aniko Laczko and LE Franks. You guys were so welcoming to the sleep deprived Aussies I can’t thank you enough. I’m not sure what I said but it was probably something super stupid, so thank you for not making us (me) feel like idiots.
To Wade Kelly. You were seriously the best veteran (read ‘experienced’) GRLer ever. You were so friendly and funny I just wanted to wrap you up and take you home. Thank you so much lovely lady. You will always be remembered.
To my stalker Amelia Vaughn who probably won’t see this anyway but needs a mention. You were everywhere woman! It got to the stage where I was looking for you wherever I went. If you weren’t there, I told myself to wait 5 minutes and you’d show. And you did! Even in the freaking parking lot! It was really freaky, like the fates were trying to tell us something. Just don’t make me adult. I’m not good at it.
To all the people who made me feel welcome. Caroline Brand, Brandilyn Carpenter who kept me company at 5am with a roll along the beach, Dani Elle Maas, CJane Elliott, Posy Roberts, Carrie Ann Kennedy, Morticia Knight, Tim Brehme and Michael Harry (you guys rocked!) Jessa Ryan for being super nice and sharing a dinner at the pub. Mercy Celeste for letting me hang out and for giving me books, thanks heaps lady!
Jessica Canoto, Lori Gallagher Witt, T.c. Blue, Jared Rackler, Kyle Christian Harrison, Lindsay (stupid FB won’t let me tag you) and all the others at the CAH night, thanks for letting me join. That was the most fun I’ve had in ages. We’re all going to hell.
To Sjd Peterson for not being scared (or laughing too hard) when I told you it was your fault I nearly ran off the road. BAMF was a great read and it seriously rocked on audible. To Kaje Harper for not being scared when I told you I dreamt about you, and to my other ‘dinner with an author’ author, Lissa Kasey, thank you for being so friendly.
To Abi Roux for being extremely welcoming to the Aussie who showed up at the author signing with nothing for you to sign.
To Erika Orrick thank you, again, for being just as friendly and nice as I knew you would be. It was great to finally connect in person rather than email or Skype.
To Sue Kellett for being my fangirl moment. You were wonderful! Thank you.
Lisa Henry and JA Rock. You guys seriously crack me up. Lisa, you were the nicest Aussie ever and I love that you I could tell you my own ‘Stuart’ incident. *shakes head* Such a proud moment for me.
To Clare London you wonderful little spitfire. Thank you for being so funny and friendly. You rocked!
To Vanessa North for not thinking I’m a crazy bitch. You were one of the most lovely people I’ve ever met and I hope to catch up again one day. I can’t wait to read Eddie’s story. xxx
To Kazy Reed. I’m sorry we didn’t meet until the end. We clicked and I wish we had more time to really chat. I hope your surprise party(?) is a huge hit. I know it will be.
I know I’ve missed some people off this list and I apologise. If it wasn’t for all you wonderful people my first GRL experience wouldn’t have been as great. I truly had the best time and I’ll remember it for as long as I live.
And finally to the organisers. You did the best job ever. Thanks for making it a memorable few days.