Category Archives: MM Romance

GIVEAWAY! and Interview with F.E. Feeley Jr.

I’ve recently finished two of F.E. Feeley Jr’s novels and in the process found a new favourite author to add to my list. So I thought what better way to find out how his mind ticks than to ask him some questions. (Not sure he’s going to answer all of them. We’ll see if I manage to scare him off.)

Make sure you check out my review of Still Waters on the Two Men blog here.


16941320 Here goes. Let hope he sticks around till the end.:)

Okay, question one. Most writers I know have always written in one form or other, from the time they were children. But there’s always that triggering moment when they decide they can write a book for publication. What was yours?

 I loved to write since I was a kid in high school and I loved to read since I was much younger. It was an escape and I would enter scary story contests that my high school would have and I won both in my Junior or Senior year. In college, I loved to write papers. The bigger, the more complicated, the more opportunity to walk my points out in philosophy, they happier I was. And I was good at it. So when I sat down with Timber Manor, it started in notebooks and little scraps of paper where I’d written things down and I started to inject things from a journal I had been keeping. It was rough, it still is, it could still use a good editor. I didn’t understand the process of publishing like I do now, but once I got that first contract…instant addiction.

I’m genuinely curious about your writing process: What are the first steps you take, in either plotting or planning, before you write your first word of a new book? Are you a plotter or a pantser?

An idea can come from anywhere. In my second book, Objects in The Rearview Mirror, the book is based off Jim Steinman’s song of the same name. Once something enters my head, a musical note, a turn of phrase, a philosophical concept…. I’ll turn it over and over. Then I start asking myself questions about it. How could I build a story around this certain idea? So, it’s not like I sit down with a blank word processor page open, and let go a stream of consciousness. I already have an idea what I want to do and while that idea may change as I go along, the bones sort of remain the same.

Do you write everyday or just when the muse is talking?

I only write when the muse is driving me up a wall. And sometimes it’s not a book. Sometimes its poetry or a blog about an idea or another. I am jealous of those who can sit down and clock x thousand words in x hours. I’ve tried that. And the screen will remain blank and I’m mad at myself.

I know this doesn’t sound rational, but I feel like there’s a doorway in my mind and on the otherside of that door is all of human experience, truth, beauty, love, etc. and I have to wait for that door to open. And when it does, I feel like someone else comes through to do the work through me. Like I’m just the medium. And it’s interesting because when I type “THE END” and get ready to send it off to publication, the part where you have to write the synopsis and later on blurbs – I can’t remember what I wrote. I have a vague idea, but when I try to verbally describe it to someone, I can’t. I sound like an idiot. But then I go back and read what I’ve written and there it is. My book. My name on it. But I often feel like it isn’t mine alone.

I’ve read some of your poems and they’re always filled with emotion, good and bad. Is poetry where your heart lies, or is writing in general your passion?20558417

People I love in my life are fans of poetry, and growing up in Detroit and in fundamentalist religion, there were certain things I wasn’t really exposed to. Things like poetry, or the ballet, or symphonies. And I took my art where I could. I had to sneak and listen to the radio. I kept my Christopher Pike and R.L. Stein (Fear Street forever, yo) books as well as my Stephen King books, hidden in a box underneath my bed. I coveted what exposure I did have. And that shaped my world view.

So, when I started reading poetry from Langston Hughes (Harlem Sweeties), Dr. Maya Angelou (I know why the caged Bird Sings), Edna St. Vincent Millay (Conscientious Objector), Shakespeare (Sonnet 116 is my favorite), Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (The Day is Done),

When I got my first taste of it, I found myself hungry for it. And people had commented on the prose of my books, that it read like poetry. So, to attempt it was the next logical step. But again, it feels like it does with my writing. I’ll feel that door creak open in my head, I feel a lump in my throat, and suddenly I’m tapping away at my phone. And just like my books, I don’t remember them. I’ve memorized those above that I mentioned, but not my own.

Now, whether I’m any good at it, remains to be seen. But where my heart lies, well, that’s in the written word.

For me, your books are in a genre all their own. They’re contemporary romance, but have a paranormal twist to the plot. How would you describe them?

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” ― Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

I believe that. And I think because of the nature of the process for me, I believe more than most, maybe. That’s where the title of the series comes from, Memoirs of the Human Wraiths. I try to encompass everything that a gay couple could encounter in this world – physical and otherwise and their love may take a back seat, their haunting may take a back seat, but I hope that their humanity is what shines through. So when it comes to titles, I don’t know.

Did you read any horror authors growing up? I devoured a lot of Stephen King in my teens. (up until he went left of field anyway)

I read primarily horror and spooky books. My mother hated it. She said I had a fascination with the macabre. And I think there may have been something to that. I think I still do. I know there is a world outside of our own. I feel like I can feel it sometimes.

I mean, I wasn’t goth or anything, but yeah, I was definitely hanging out with King who is my hero.

What’s your favorite thing to do in your spare time?

Cook. I love cooking. And cleaning. I’m sick. I love laundry. My life is so damn boring, let me give you an example. I sent a tweet to Tide and thanked them for linking up with Fa-breeze to create those little laundry pods you can buy now. I was so excited. I was like, “This is the best!”

I like looking up recipes on the internet and trying them. When my husband showed up with a Cast Iron Skillet and A Dutch oven, I was over the moon. He so got laid that night.

I love feeding people. There’s something about knowing that what I am giving them will sustain them for a little while, makes me happy.

I love to get drunk with my best friend. Thank you to the makers of Johnny Walker Black. When we visit with each other, we get silly and Irish and sing. I love music for the same reason I love books and poetry. He’s my buddy. And like clockwork he’ll forget the lyrics, and I’ll laugh and remind him, and it’s fucking perfect.

I love to do yoga. Yoga with Adriene on Youtube is the bomb. She’s amazing. So is Mat From Muscle and Mat. He’s this really soft spoken guy and when you first see him and hear him, your like, “Oh….this shouldn’t be bad.” And later on when your crying on the floor, you take it all back. LOL

I love gaming. I’m a huge gamer. Dragon Age series FUCKIN ROCKS!!!!!!! Mass Effect, Witcher, Star Trek online, Fallout, Skyriim, yeah…it’s a serous condition. I’m currently having an affair with Bioware. The writers are sublime. The story arcs are phenomenal, and the graphics are simply gorgeous.

You’re married to a wonderful and supporting husband, John. How did you meet? Was it love at first sight? When did you get married? Give us the low-down.

I met my husband at the corner of End of my rope and Can I get off, please? LOL

No. I saw him on campus at the school we went to and I’d noticed him for a couple of years. But I was either dating someone else or I would see him and he would vanish. Well, one day, I was horribly single and there he was speaking to a mutual acquaintance and I told myself, “I’m butting in.” And I did. And we’ve been together for five years this December.

Describe yourself in four words.

I’m a hot mess

Who is your go-to author to lift your spirits and bring you out of a book slump? (MM and other genre)

 Jamie Fessenden is amazing. And what’s fun about being an author in this genre is other authors send you their shit to read over. We call it beta reading. If you are a reader you have grounds to be jealous. Cause he’s amazing.

Aj Rose kicks ass as does her wife Kate Aaron.

Stephen King, of course.

I just finished Susan Kay’s Phantom. Her – expansion I guess, on the original Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Lacroix. Which is freaking phenominal. And has inspired me to create my own version of Erik in an alternate steampunk America. I fell in love with that man a long time ago, I think gay people are huge fans of broadway, and Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Phantom, and I think it’s time us gay boys get to have our moment with him.

I know you love music. Who’s your favourite artist and why?

Oh, God. That’s so not easy. My taste changes every day. So I’ll give you a playlist of my favorites.

Brandi Carlile (everything she sings is soo good)
Bon Jovi
Tina Turner
Justin Jones (His album ‘fading light’ is so fucking good. If you have Spotify, do yourself a favor)
Marc Cohn (his version of “Man of the world” from The Prince and Me….so good)
Leonard Cohen’s Hallelujah
Meatloaf (Jim Steinman is a minor deity, I’m sure of it)
You and Me
Sarah McLachlan
Bad Company
All the 80’s hair bands (nobody writes like that anymore)
And opera and gospel and yeah. You get the idea.

25149673Rapid Fire Questions with explanations of course! Can’t let you off that easy. 

Favourite Colour.

Blue is my signature colour.

Favourite word.

Fuck (Yeah I think we all like that one)

 Favourite place to holiday.

The beach. I love the water.

Last book you read?

As the Ice Melts by RJ Jones – freaking good. (Aww, shucks. I’ll take that.)

Biggest Pet Peeve

Inconsiderate people

Coffee or Tea?

Coffee please

Listener or talker?


What television shows are you currently addicted to?

Grace and Frankie! Frankie is my spirit animal.

Dinner at home or dinner out?

Dinner at home

Night Owl or Early Bird?

Night Owl

If you could have dinner with one person–living or dead–who would it be?

Abraham Lincoln

What is your next project?

My version of The Phantom of the Opera, I am working on a sequal to Objects in the Rearview Mirror, and I’m screwing around with a contemporary story called, Good Enough.

One more question then I’ll put you out of your misery.:)

Will we be getting more from Bret and Jeff from Still Waters? (The answer better be yes.)

I don’t think so. (Say what?)

I think when we closed the book on that, we closed the book on their story. I loved Jeff and Bret. I loved Jeff’s solid strength and this helpless superman who’d lost his cape when it came to stepping between Bret and the circumstances that threatened to sweep him away. Jeff’s journey from sort of tired old cop to suddenly being awakened by this beautiful man to being absolutely powerless to help him, was honest.

Bret was a product of a world that seethed and sat in the stink of its own ignorance. And sometimes that stuff can lash out and hurt others. But he had another kind of toughness. An endurance, an ability to hang on when he didn’t think he could. Even when the chips were laid down so to speak, he went faithfully to what he went to.

So, no, I don’t think there will be anymore with those two. But there will be more stories like that.

Thanks for joining me, Freddie! I’m looking forward to more of your work.

Now for the giveaway!

One random commenter on my blog and the Because Two Men Are Better Than One blog, will receive a free eBook of their choice from F.E.

F.E. Feeley Jr’s bio

13342124_1740655289514053_281357137_nF.E. Feeley Jr was born and raised in Detroit, Michigan and lived there for twenty years before joining the military. He is a veteran of the US Armed Services; having done a tour in support of Operation Iraq Freedom in 2002-2003, he turned college student, pursuing a degree in political science. He now lives in Southeast Texas where he is married to the love of his life, John, and where they raise their 1½ year old German shepherd, Kaiser.

As a young man, reading took center stage in his life, especially those novels about ghosts, witches, goblins, and all the other things that went bump in the night. His favorite authors include such writers as Stephen King, Dean Koontz, and Anne Rice, whose work allowed him to travel to far off places and meet fascinating and scary characters. As a gay man, he wishes to be able to write good fictional literature for those who love the genre and to write characters that readers can relate to. All in all, he is a cigarette smokin’, whiskey drinkin’, rock and roll lovin’, tattoo wearin’ dreamer of a man with a wonderful husband who puts up with his crap and lets him write his stories.

You can connect with F.E. Feeley here:

Goodreads    Facebook    Twitter   F.E’s Blog

A brief word on personal experiences in writing. Oh god.

True Blue comes out on Friday. It’s only a few days away and I’m full of the normal pre-release nerves you’d expect. Except this time it’s a little different. I wasn’t this nervous when I released my very first story, Out of the Blue.

All authors will tell you how much they bleed while writing their books. We pour out our heart and soul, blood, sweat and sometimes literal tears into our stories. Good. That’s what us as readers want. Me included. I want something that feels real, gives me shivers and smiles when I think about it. I want ALL the feels.

As authors, we sometimes draw on personal experiences for our scenes. (I’m saying this based on the author’s I’ve spoken to about this subject. I can’t possibly know how EVERY author writes.) Writing is an intensely personal journey, so how can we not draw on our own feelings, and the emotions we try and portray, need to come from somewhere. Every single piece I’ve written has a piece of me in it. Those closest to me will be able to see them. Remember the communication problem Cam and Jake had in Out of the Blue? Mine. All mine. Hubs and I still haven’t mastered the art of talking enough, but after 20 years together, we’re getting better at it. Remember the twin’s mother’s cancer struggle in Black & Bluhe? My mum. The hand holding thing in bed from Indigo Road? Yep, you guessed it. That’s what hubs and I do. (aww, isn’t that adorable?) Yeah.

True Blue took me more than a year to write. I struggled with lots of aspects of this story, mainly because a part of it is autobiographical and I didn’t know how to NOT put those very personal bits of me into it. No, I’m not a hot, tattooed fireman in San Francisco, but some of Brandon’s experiences are my own. Yes, I’ve tweaked them to fit the story, elaborated, stretched etc. But the feelings and scenes come from deep within. Often a painful and highly emotional place.

I’m probably giving you more insight into me than I’m strictly comfortable with, but part of me thinks it’s important to remind you that every story, from every author, (probably) comes from somewhere personal. You will more than likely never know which parts they are, but just keep in mind next time you’re reading a scene. You may find that you gain a greater insight into the author than you ever thought possible.

So the release day jitters are heightened with this story, purely because this is so much more personal than anything else I’ve written.

And now stay tuned for the promo:

True Blue 400When being true to yourself means denial is no longer an option.

On the heels of a tragedy, Brandon White shaved his hair, adorned his body with tattoos, and concentrated on his attraction to the opposite sex. Fifteen years later, Brandon is a protective son and a loyal and respected member of the San Francisco Fire Department, bedding anything in a skirt that promises not to stick around afterward.

When his past and present collide in his dreams—including his best friend and fellow fireman, Mason—Brandon knows things are never going to be the same again. He starts to recall that fateful day years before, and the long-forgotten feelings that preceded it. The most important thing he remembers—he’s not as straight as he’d thought.

With help, Brandon learns to accept who he was always meant to be. But when tragedy strikes again, Brandon must reconcile his past and present and deal with his grief if he is to ever be true, not only to himself, but to Mason as well.

**This can be read as a standalone, however it is best enjoyed after reading the first two stories as side characters play a major role.**

Pre-order now at  Amazon,  All Romance, ITunes and everywhere else you usually buy eBooks. Release Friday May 13th.


I’m not actually here…

I’m really not. By the time you read this I’ll be winging my way to Europe for a family holiday. Right now I suspect I’m somewhere over eastern Europe. I may be about to land in Amsterdam. I don’t actually know, I only know that I’m not where you think I am.

So let me take this opportunity to shamelessly pimp my two newest stories. As the Leaves Fall and As the Ice Melts are both set in England (which I am about to head to after Amsterdam to see family and catch up with a few friends — Are you jealous yet?)

leaves 400

As the Leaves Fall is set in London and features two architects who, although know they shouldn’t have a workplace affair, have one anyway. Can they keep their jobs and their relationship? You’ll have to read it to find out.

Amazon  All Romance



Ice 400

As the Ice Melts stars my favourite character ever, Marcus. Poor Marcus. This poor bastard really gets put through the wringer throughout his life and consequently has some trust issues and secrets. By the time you finish reading this, you’ll want to pick Marcus up and squeeze him into a big hug. I know I did.

Amazon  All Romance


I’m off to spend three weeks with my family and have some much needed R&R. After we leave the London and the UK, we’re off to Paris, then the French countryside. From there we’re heading to northern Italy before making our way back to Amsterdam to come home. What does this mean? Basically it means that I’m not going to be around much. I will have limited access to the internet while away so I will be able to answer emails on occasion. But this is a holiday, I’m not taking my laptop with me because I don’t plan on doing any work. So if you need anything from me, it will have to wait until I get back.

So, till then, au revoir. See you in May.


PS. I’ll probably post some bragging/tourist pics so keep your eye out.




Release day!! As the Leaves Fall

Release day has come around a little quicker than planned. I guess that’s what happens when you’re juggling editing for three stories all at once.  I am now a master of time management, even if I’m a little more frazzled than usual.

Here’s the blurb for As the Leaves Fall.  Falling onto an eReader near you today!

The perfect job or the perfect man. Surely Aiden and Noah can have both, right?

Aiden Turner’s world flipped upside down when his vengeful ex-boyfriend destroyed a major project, costing his uncle’s architectural firm an important client. Feeling guilty, Aiden has since sworn off all romantic involvement with anyone he works with.

Noah Walker is getting ready to interview for his dream role when he catches Aiden’s eye on the London Tube. They strike up a conversation, and even though the attraction sizzles between them, Noah must decline the offer of a morning coffee. The interview is crucial, and he needs to focus on getting the job, not getting a date.

When Aiden discovers the enigmatic man on the train is the same man he is interviewing, he is torn. But he knows Noah is the right man for the job, and he attempts to put some professional distance between them. However, it’s not long before Noah makes his way under Aiden’s skin.

Neither man can afford to risk their employment, but keeping their relationship a secret takes its toll. When things get ugly, they need to decide what’s more important—or if the job is worth the sacrifice.

Here’s what some readers are saying about Aiden and Noah:

“Check out this book if you want a fun read with scorchin’ hot sex! A great love story.” ~ Jamie. Alpha Book Club

“The motions in this book (like other M/M books) were so much stronger. The devotion the guys have to each other and their families feels so much bigger. I really loved how this story was told and the spicy factor was just enough!” ~ Lora. On Goodreads.

leaves 400

Buy Links:

Amazon    All Romance    Smashwords    Barnes and Noble    iBooks

Don’t forget to check out book #2 As the Ice Melts. Releasing April 01.

A bulging disc, edits and few days in the country.

About five days before I was due to fly to Sydney to spend a few days in the Hunter Valley with bestie Nic Starr and N.R. Walker, my back started playing up. I took a few pills and went to bed. The next morning I couldn’t move. I couldn’t stand, sit, move about. Nothing. Lucky for me, I’m good friends with my physiotherapist so I explained my symptoms to her on a Sunday afternoon. I was ordered to not sit. Ever. Avoid sitting like the plague, she told me. So how was I supposed to survive a four flight to Sydney then another two hour drive to wine country?

I don’t know how I did it, but I did. I did all the right things to get my spine moving again and within a few days I was up and about. Special exercises, stretching and absolutely no bending or sitting. I got on the plane, but it was a tough flight and I still don’t know how I managed to do it. I arrived at the Hunter sore and in desperate need of a lie down and some pain meds. Lucky for me my problem was contained before it started to affect my legs.

I spent 5 days with Nic and Walker and while they were both tapping away at their keyboards while sitting at the dining table, I lay on the couch and chatted. I had a wonderful time away, I just wish I was a little more mobile and a little less pathetic. However, our little writers retreat in the country was well worth the pain of getting there and it was filled with lots of laughter, gossip and great gourmet food prepared by Nic. Walker and I were more than happy to help her eat it.


Nic’s driveway

While in the country I managed to get the first lot of edits done for True Blue. They took me the entire 5 days I was away to do because I wasn’t able to sit down for long stretches of time. They normally would’ve taken me a day, but at least they’re done now. (Release is scheduled for mid May.)

So, now I’m back home and trying to get on top of things again. I’m still not allowed to sit down for any longer than an hour, which is making writing this blog post a little difficult, plus I’m attempting to get the arc’s ready for As the Leaves Fall and As the Ice Melts. They’re coming, I promise. Does this mean the release is pushed back? Not at this stage. I should be okay to get them ready for publishing. Ever tried using a laptop whilst flat your back? Not as easy as you might think.

Anyway, the point is, if you’re waiting on something from me, please be patient. I’m working through my very long list, but it’s taking me longer than it should.

Hope everyone is having a great week!

Much love


Want to check out some great m/m books and hear from some wonderful gay romance authors? Then this is the blog hop for you! Make sure you visit each author to find out about their latest release and enter the multiple giveaways available. Good luck!


Scroll down to read more!


A best friends to lovers road trip. What more could  you want?

NEW Indigo Road 400The Blurb:

Two best friends take a year off to find themselves… and end up finding each other.

Joshua Simpson has just finished four years at Purdue University, but that’s not why he’s buzzing with excitement. Once they’ve said goodbye to their families, Josh and his best friend Alex are taking off to discover America in an old but reliable VW van, planning on not seeing snow for an entire year.

Josh has always considered himself straight—except for that one time in college—so when he and Alex are living in such close proximity on the road, he’s unsure what these new feelings mean. Is it because they’re spending 24/7 together, or is it something deeper? And does it really matter since Josh has only ever seen Alex with women?

While in Oregon, Josh meets Johnno, a sexy but confusing Aussie surfer. While having an impromptu surfing lesson, Johnno helps Josh realize who he is and what he wants—but Alex’s reaction leaves Josh confused.

From a Montana ranch to the bright lights and dangerous streets of Los Angeles, to a dark and lonely deserted highway in Alabama, join Josh and Alex as they drive around the US, discovering not only who they are, but who they can be together.

An Excerpt:

WE STUMBLED up the stairs to our room at the B&B, and no sooner had we closed the door than Alex had me pinned against it, mouth assaulting my throat.
“Tell me this isn’t weird,” Alex said on a breath.
“It’s not weird. It’s right.”
“Tell me… tell me you want this as much as I do.”
Alex’s lips made their way to my ear and the soft spot behind it, making any coherent thought impossible.
“Want… you,” I managed to squeeze out.
In an instant, his body was gone from mine and I was left cold without him. Alex grabbed my hand and led me quickly to the bed, pushing me down and climbing on top.
“I don’t know what I’m doing,” he said, resuming the assault on my throat as he pushed my shirt up. He found a nipple and tweaked it hard.
“Ungh, more of that.”
My hips had a mind of their own as they bucked, trying to find some friction. I’d never been so turned on. Alex palmed my cock through my jeans, his movements gentle and hesitant.
“Is this okay?” Alex asked.
“Better if my jeans weren’t in the way.”
“Um, I…”
I stopped his movement, placing my hand over his but not removing it from my groin.
“It’s okay. We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. I have no idea what I’m doing either, but I know I want something.”
Alex smiled, his eyes shining. “I’m so glad you’re just as clueless.”


IR fanart 2

To win a FREE stuff, enter the Rafflecopter below. Make sure you hop on over to the other blogs as well. Lots of giveaways to be snapped up!

One lucky winner will win an ecopy of Indigo Road, PLUS their choice of one of my backlist titles.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Back to the All Cocks, No Bull Blog Hop.

Click on each author below to be in the draw to win!

Hennessee AndrewsAndrew JerichoEvelise ArcherPenny BrandonBronwyn HeeleyNic StarrJess BuffettToni GriffinFreddy MacKay, NJ Nielsen



It’s a New Year!

I’m late, I know. Sorry. My time hasn’t been my own and I’m up to my neck with edits and pushy characters that simply won’t wait their turn.

This will be a quick post, as – if you’ve been following me on social media – I just haven’t had the time to scratch myself.

New Year’s resolutions aren’t really my thing. I could say I will eat more healthily, exercise more or be kinder to strangers. But we all know that after the first week we forget about the new things we said we’d do and just get on with life. That’s usually how it works for me anyway. (Oh, BTW, I’m not unkind to strangers, so that’s a moot point. The eating and exercise bit, that’s a different story.)

Christmas was a mixed bag for me. I spent some time with my sisters and their families which is always a lot of fun, but I also had to spend time with my father in law and sister in law which I was dreading. Needless to say, I’m not in a hurry for them to return. (FIL is still here *insert sad face*)

Anyway, I don’t want to talk about them. That’s not why I’m here.

2015 was huge for me. I self published my first book Out of the Blue in March with the second in the series, Black & Bluhe releasing in July. Two short stories happened as well, thanks to Wayward Ink Press. I finished the year off with Indigo Road.

The writing part is fun. I mean a lot of fun. Publishing and promoting is hard work so I was quite chuffed when I saw Out of the Blue, Black & Bluhe, and The One That I Want be nominated in the Goodreads MM Members Choice Awards. All up I received 10 nominations! How’s that for cool? I can’t thank you guys enough. You make all the blood, sweat and tear-jerking tantrums worth it.


If you wish to vote, click here but you must be a member.

So, 2016 huh? What have I got planned? I resigned from my EDJ to concentrate on my writing, as, lets face it, it’s a hell of a lot more fun. I will definitely have three releases this year and I’m hoping for a forth, possibly a fifth. It depends on how much time I get to actually write the words. If I could conjure up a perfect first draft, that would help.

So be sure to keep your eye out. This new author is far from done.

I hope 2016 is everything you hope it will be. Take care of each other and be kind.