I don’t review books anymore. TBH, it’s just too damn time consuming. I may post a plug on FB if I really enjoyed a story, but my reviewing days are done. I’ve made an exception for this hot little number, though.
As some of you may know, Lily is a fellow author with Wayward Ink Press. She’s helped me with some promotion for Out of the Blue and I was biding my time until I could return the favour. Well, when I saw this cover pop up on my FB feed my tongue fell out of my head and I jumped at the chance to help her out with a bit of promo. She offered me a copy of the story, which I was more than happy to accept. See below for my review.
The Perfect Size For You
Lily G. Blunt

After updating his Rent Boy blog profile, well-endowed porn star Ty, receives a text requesting an appointment with a sexually inexperienced client. Andy asks Ty to provide him with the necessary knowhow, so if he ever goes on a date with the guy he’s attracted to he’s fully prepared.
Little does Ty know this hook-up will lead to a friendship that will subsequently change his life. Can Ty remain friends with Andy or will he always want more? And how will Ty react when Andy finally goes on a date with another man?
This story is also available in the Take It Like A Man Anthology.
Buy links:
ARe / Amazon.com / Amazon UK / Torquere Press
Not even counting the money, I shoved it in my back pocket. “So, what do you have in mind for this afternoon?”
He flushed again and shrugged. “I’d like to talk for a while and kiss and cuddle, if that’s okay?”
Geez! Easy money.
I didn’t wish to hurt his feelings. “Umm… couldn’t you find a guy from school to do that with?” That would certainly be cheaper for him. Not that I was complaining.
He shook his head, looking embarrassed, and leaned against the kitchen counter. He was so fucking cute.
“Are you even out yet?” I took a step closer to him.
He shook his head again, glancing at my lips. “No, no one knows I’m gay.”
I ran a finger up his arm, and placed my hand gently on his shoulder. “So, have you done anything with a guy before?”
His head tilted down as if ashamed, his wide brown eyes peering up at me. “No, that’s why I called you. So if I ever get to date this guy I really like, I’ll know what to do.” His voice was just above a whisper.
We were close now, our bodies practically touching. He smelled nice, of soap and shampoo. His breath was hot and coming out in quick pants.
“Relax for me, Andy.”
I slid my hand behind his neck, and teased the soft hair at his nape. Our lips met softly for a first sweet kiss. His eyes fluttered closed, and I swept my mouth over his, my lips parting slightly. His mouth opened for me, his tongue peeked out and lapped teasingly against mine. He tasted minty and fresh. It didn’t take long before it became a passionate lip lock, with Andy moaning into my mouth.
I nibbled on his lower lip. “Mmm… you’re a quick learner.”
Reviews of The Perfect Size for You:
“This book had me driving with one hand on the wheel. I want more of this erotic sexually charged, and FUN book.”
“Finally got a chance to read this. Quite adorable. I love a geeky little twink with his shyness. This was an adorable story.”
“Ty is a porn star who is branching out to become a rent boy because he is nearing the end of his career. He advertises on a website where he ends up meeting Andy, a sweet eighteen year old virgin who wants to gain some experience so that if he can ever manage to hook the guy he likes, he’ll know what to do.
Ty really enjoys his time with Andy and the more time they spend together, the more he doesn’t want Andy to end up with Evan. He breaks the rule about caring about his tricks and ends up biting off more than he can chew emotionally.
I really enjoyed this short story. I’m a sucker for rent boys/porn industry stories and this hit the spot wonderfully! I really loved Andy and Ty together.
The sexy times were sweet and then hot! I’m really anxious to get to this author’s other porn industry book!
A definite must read!!”
“I just love this writer, she is a dear friend. This storyline was well written and I loved each page. I wish it had gone on longer too damn short!!”
So what did I think?
This wasn’t what I was expecting. I thought Andy would fall for Ty. After all, you always remember the person who took your virginity, so to read about a porn star come rent boy falling for the shy twink was nice and refreshing. Lily’s writing flowed well for me. She combined a nice mix of sweet and hot but neither guy came across as needy or desperate. I would have like a bit more character depth but it’s a good short story you can read while having a cuppa. I’ll definitely be reading more from Lily.
About the Author:
Lily G. Blunt writes contemporary gay romance and erotica. She loves to explore the relationship between two men and the intensity of their physical and emotional attraction. Angst often features in her stories as she feels this demonstrates the depth of the men’s feelings for each other. Lily is forever writing imaginary scenes and plots in her head, but only a few ever make it to the page—there never seems to be enough hours in the day despite having left the teaching profession to concentrate on her writing!
Lily discovered the wonderful world of m/m romance novels four years ago via fan fiction and went on to write stories in her spare time. With the encouragement of her friends and readers she decided to publish some of her work.
Lily has several self-published stories available on Amazon. She is also published with Torquere Press and Wayward Ink Publishing.
Easily distracted from her writing, Lily makes videos using clips from gay-themed movies and posts gorgeous pictures of men kissing or making out on her tumblr and Facebook pages. Lily is also an avid supporter of GLBTQ rights and advocates equality for all.
Lily lives in central England with her rather bemused husband, two twenty-something children, and a ‘mad as a bag of frogs’ Shetland Sheepdog.
Check out Lily’s other stories
via her Amazon Page or Wayward Ink Publishing.
Social Media Links:
WordPress / FB Author Page / Tumblr / YouTube / Twitter / Goodreads

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